If you have a tooth that is severely decayed or damaged, your dentist may recommend removing the tooth. Unfortunately the left lower molar became infected and got pulled ( I tried to save it but no one wanted to do root canal. Also Abcesses due to this wisdom tooth resulted in swelling and pain . Sometimes when you extracted tooth it exposes a bit of the root of the adjacent tooth. I also have a fractured tooth #15. 2020, September 30 - https://medium.com/@tscepanovic/how-probiotics-prevent-tooth-decay-the-case-of-lactobacillus-paracasei-c923fcef6f4d, Campbell K. Oral microbiome findings challenge dentistry dogma. I would rather extract it this tooth has a bad cavity and has been causing problems for quite some time now. Thank you for replying my previous post. Is that normal? It really causing me some anxiety and mouth fatigue. Read this article. (Would I need to do another replacement down the road). Ive disscused implantation in the socket of 14 with a specialist. Should I get the replacement after all these years and have 2 healthy molars grinded down to fit a bridge? I am not leaning towards the implant due to extreme cost. I am afraid of possible late implant problems. But I dont intend to get a dental implant, what are other possible actions rather than ignoring it. I have a infection in the bottom tip of the root and some bone erosion. Hello! A low-cost denture can cost $300 to $500 for one arch or approximately up to $1000 for a complete set. Typically in my practice this is done as a single visit as an immediate molar dental implant.immediate molar dental implant. I had a root canal done on this same tooth 2.5 years ago which went badly wrong I ended up with an abscess and Ludwigs Angina, and spent two days hospitalized (away from my newborn). See a really good DDS! I returned three times for a persistent moderate (but noticable) bad taste in my (otherwise completely healthy mouth). Looking at implants what would you suggest please? I am also in braces which are scheduled to be removed in the next 12 weeks. I went to see an endodontist and he said to either retreat the root canal or extract. This should be gone in 10 days. The devoleped cyst in my root cause facial swelling and pain. 19 was extracted in my teens and Ive recently had 18 removed. I also noticed recently that I frequently have itchy ears, could it be that my ears have been affected? A root canal saves your tooth. Not replacing a missing tooth will cause other teeth in the mouth to shift. If it is too tight then plan on losing 15. Do I need an implant? Overall, it is important to discuss all risks and benefits with your dentist before making a decision about whether or not to have your second molars removed. The advantages of this procedure include relieving crowding, improving the appearance of your smile, and making it easier to keep your teeth clean. Im 65 in generally good health and was curious about your opinion regarding post extraction options for that tooth. He said the cavity is very close to the nerve of #2 and it would take 90 minutes or so to get it filled. In this regard, if a patient perceives a chewing deficiency or dislikes having a gap in his or her dentition after the loss of a second molar, the tooth could be replaced with an implant-supported restoration. Its a more complicated procedure than a traditional extraction, so its important to be aware of what to expect. I am not a dentist, but based on personal experience it took me about 10 days to recover , some may take longer. This is because the upper and lower molars do not align perfectly on top of each other; they tend to be a half tooth off. The itchy ears are not related. In short, Ive been very fortunate. Is it to late to get implant ,which kind do you recommend and do I need to get implant for upper and lower molars? I will want to send you some images for you to further advise. implant for #3 is a really important replacement. He had wisdom teeth removed and now the recommendation from dentist, orthodontist and oral surgeon is to remove all 4 2nd molars. I had tooth #3 extracted as it had decay on a pre-existing root canal and caused me excruciating pain. will they even do an implant since technically i have the right number of teeth on both sides because my left wisdom tooth was not removed? But its perfectly good and has no issues. My tooth (#18) is very bad I have two options to either get a root canal or extract it. 2011, June 16 - https://www.livestrong.com/article/472086-what-is-the-purpose-of-dicalcium-phosphate/, Novkovic B. See your dentist and have a long discussion about this but generally speaking he does not occur very often on the upper jaw!! Cons: 1. This doesn't mean you have to spend the money to get all . They say 4-6 months is typical, but can it be longer? Once the tooth is exposed, it will be extracted using special instruments. I had a really deep cavity on #31 and got it filled and placed with a temp. 2004 Mar 27;196(6):341-8; discussion 337. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4811082. I am happy to leave without this second molar. Should I get #15 extracted? My dentist had told me implant was optional. My surgeon told me there is a good chance the top molar would shift down, since teeth need contact with one another. . Maybe 6-12 months? Would you recommend I receive an implant. Will Teeth Shift After Second Molar Extraction. Sure you can build up and put posts into anything and it will work for a while but if it is really broken down the crown will not likely last. Effects of Bifidobacterium probiotic on the treatment of chronic periodontitis: A randomized clinical trial. Im 32 and had my last molar lower left side removed , do I need bone graft and implant? Hello! Hi Doctor, I am deliberating on an implant after tooth #2 is removed. This can occur when the tooth is too damaged and there . I am not a fan of zirconia for implants but it is a great material for the abutments and the crown! The sooner the better! The wisdom tooth will not close the space properly causing shifting of your teeth. It sounds like you had an underlying instruction causing the bad smell. theres no more pain but theres soft yellow stuff hanging a bit from the extraction site. I am 28 so may not but on the X-ray it did look likey wisdom tooth was impacted on my last molars root. If your bite is class 1 then likely no need. I had my upper left last wisdom tooth removed today. I think this has caused me to grind my teeth a lot and my right molars are showing a lot of wear. I resisted my dentist and said my brain still hasnt gotten conditioned to the extraction. And its not clear to me whether a partial is a good solution. I did two of them today in that very same area! My dentist suggested that we might have to think of extracting the lower left last tooth also. Im getting an implant on #18. I have had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed, so it is the last tooth on that top side. I had cdiff from long term abx for a difficult upper implant in my past so to date have not been on abx for this procedure. Could you kindly advice if what the dentist said is good for me, or I should get re do the filling. I dont want to mess it up or cause problems later by acting too soon or not acting soon enough. Or what should I do? My dentist recommended a root canal for both but I do not want to do that and end up with more infections. I would call it totally elective. Dentist recommends extract tooth 15 & 16. As for the TMJ the second molar often times makes a premature contact which can exacerbate a pre-existing condition. I do not want to do an implant. I still have my first molar as well as my lower molars(save for the wisdom teeth). Hi i had my #2 tooth removed,now it feels like the rest of my has drop. Or, the tooth on the opposite arch will . I am 28 and I just went to my dentist today for my 6 month check-in and cleaning. Vivia It depends on the so many factors such as genetics and the type of bone and method that was used. Second, you need to think about what type of replacement options are available. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Two days later and I feel #14 has a tiny bit of movement. and simply replace that if/when it breaks? If impacted or advanced periodontal bone loss, then some of the root surface on the tooth next to it may be e Dr. Theodore Davantzis and another doctor agree. Said it will be around $4,000. So much pain they also refer me for trigeminal neuralgia. I was told I will need the sinus lift procedure first, based on CT scan exam. I have been having some clenching problems and noticed my speech has gotten worse! Hi Dr, please give your advice!! I have a cross bit. Assuming you have no health issues, do not smoke and follow the recommended instructions of your doctor, it can be a few days. In light of this, is it a good idea to look into getting an implant or will that only exacerbate the nerve damage? My mouth/jaw is beginning to feel tight, avoid tooth removal unless youre going to die without it literally and if you have to, you must get a replacement tooth or your life will be ruined by it. I even had my own second molar break a few years ago! Though implant surgery is time-consuming and may be uncomfortable for short periods, this type of tooth replacement can be particularly beneficial for patients who are missing a molar tooth. An implant will it fix this. The tooth sensitivityseems to be primarily from #15 and #14 (an implant). What should I do? The advantages and limitations of this procedure are outlined. This leads to failure of the root canal. Just saw my dentist. Waiting extraction of 17 which is root canal that had a crown which failed and its not possible to put another crown. The most common side effect is pain, which can be managed with over-the-counter or prescription medication. The cons of tooth extraction For one, tooth extraction removes the original and natural tooth, which can have downsides. Do you recommend anything else to take or even natural remedies. https://photos.app.goo.gl/8vfGHjQVK53zZKQC9, Looks like internal resorbtion. I am 17 years old and I have gotten number 31 removed. I had to extract my 2nd lower molar (tooth 37). Thanks. Heres the link doc as you can see from the right side xray (which is my left jaw) lower wisdom tooth has been removed and the upper got no support. Leave 18 as is unless you can correct it with braces Im now 85, in good health but very reluctant to risk surgery and its possible consequences. bone? Various combinations of extraction sites were used to meet individual requirements. Thats what I would do . I just had a nice mouth guard made and will wear that every night. My question is, do you have any advice for raising the odds of this tongue-depressor technique being a success in preventing downward drifting of the upper tooth? However, when #31 was extracted, I did elect to have the bone graft done, in case I might decide later on to seek a zirconia (ceramic) implant as an alternative. When I have my #2 molar will the wisdom tooth come through? Thanks in advance! I need to make a decision and am not sure about redoing this root canal or should it extracted and I get an implant. Prescribed Z pak antibiotics, prescription mouthwash, 800 ibuprofen (I refused steroids for swelling as I read it causes bone loss) next 2 days pain& could barely talk nor open my mouth, size of apple swelling, pain in ear, face, jaw throat & bad pain when swallowed. People that are missing this to tend to have facial changes over time making them look old. They break! Better asked, does an implant necessarily need to be grafted and installed at the time of tooth extraction or can it wait a year plus down the road? Preventing pain, discomfort, tooth decay, misalignment, oral infections, and even cyst development are some of the main advantages. My wisdoms teeth have not come through yet. Most patients eventually get everything smooth again but it does take time as we get older. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge , Im 17 years old, all my teeth are healthy except tooth 31(my 2nd molar) I had a cavity filled, and about 6 months later came back because of pain in the same spot, the cavity was just so deep that it hurts still, so I was given the option of a route canal, or a tooth removal, and I chose removal which Im getting on the 6th. That is what I would do if our at your age in your situation. It is difficult to get unbiased second options so I appreciate your article and taking the time to respond. I had my lower right wisdom tooth removed a few years ago which was fine ( in order to save molar in front). It will take about 30 days. Many thanks in advance for your advice. Bruising: Sometimes bruising can occur around the extraction site. Thank you for your thorough question. All my wisdom teeth have been extracted. This has led my dentist to saying getting the second molar extracted as it is causing me discomfort they did mention a root canal but they were against the idea as it is very hard to do on that tooth and there is no guarantee that it wont occur again in a couple of years just leading me to pay more and more. One common reason for this is when a tooth has a large cavity that cannot be repaired with a filling. Do you think I should save them? Stanley Wendt. Have a very skilled dentist look at you before making permanent decisions. Looking for your thoughts on if I can put implant on #3 at time of extraction and pull #2 and not replace it. He never recommended root canal or anything. I extracted my bottom right molar (second last) few years ago. On upper left, I am feeling cold sensitivity. My wisdom tooth was removed a year ago but because it impacted the tooth in front #31, has a cavity. Kumar Y, Chand P, Arora V, Singh SV, Mishra N, Alvi HA, Verma UP. i would really appreciate ur advice doc. The question of whether or not replacement of a second molar is needed after it is removed has often been debated. He is open to, but not recommending, an extraction. Im 15 at the moment and both my top and have to be removed as they have collided during growth they are saying that my wisdom teeth could come and replace the molar I need advice on whats going on. My tooth #31 was extracted two weeks ago, due to the tooth showing both internal and external resorption on 3-D xray and determination by an endodontist that it could not be saved with a root canal. Should I proceed to extract or should I do the root canal and hope for the best. I had a crack in the tooth on the surface that was filled by my dentist and still had pain so was referred to a root canal specialist. Greetings, firstly I appreciate this article; very informative. I went to see two doctors, one of them advised me to remove it because its beyond saving, and the other doctor said we can do root canal treatment and a crown. If I do have to get implants, how long could I wait? I had a root canal done on molar #18 and it is now infected. Yes for a second molar I would not be looking at an implant, If it caused the loss of the upper one then even that would not be tempting me to implant the lower. I currently have an infection in a root tio of molar #3 (upper right, back). Will the collagen be absorbed and harden to maybe allow an implant if i choose and will #14 now lack support and eventually also be a loss? Two months ago, #31 became loose. Removed tooth #2 and do not bother replacing 31. I had already taken three courses of antibiotics to help with infection which kept coming back and honestly, after 10 weeks of utter misery, I said rip it out. Thank you so much for your insightful article. Here is my QUESTION. I am 53 years of age. Its a very common implant for me to do. But unlike the tooth positionerwhich had been working to prevent shifting of teeth, the retainer didnt work; my upper teeth went back to overlapping to some extent, and other teeth shifted a bit as well. Bone graft and implant was also suggested for #30, #29 and #28 (extracted about a decade ago). You should! It should be ok but keep an eye on the upper last two molars. , Thanks for replying and so swiftly. bridges Im worried how this will affect my bite and facial structure. The opposing tooth would be #15. Also my wisdom teeth are out on the top and bottom so my right jaw starts with #3 and #29. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-use-of-temporary-anchorage-devices-for-molar-Kravitz-Kusnoto/4789ce4133fef79d9207d5a9a9124e3e96e200fc, Hi there, I have just recently lost #3 & #2 teeth, I will like to know what would be your suggestion. I have the type of bite such that (without an implant) the tooth directly above the area of former tooth #31 would likely drift downward over time. It is less invasive than a bridge because you dont need to grind down the other teeth. One day you will be 92! Im curious what you would say to my situation. You would know there was a problem before it got that bad. The Cons of Tooth Extraction Infections Pits may form where the tooth was extracted in some patients. Really it comes down to long-term prognosis. I dont use alcohol or tobacco. We encourage you to inform your physician of changes you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with him or her. In either case, it probably will not effect the appearance of the other teeth. My wife got 2 ND tooth lower molar extracted 2 months back when is the ideal time to replace it? You should see a TMJ specialist before anything else is done. The advantages of this procedure include relieving crowding, improving the appearance of your smile, and making it easier to keep your teeth clean. So otherwise teeth are healthy. I have a crowded mouth and all four wisdom teeth, so crowded that when I did invisalign about 15 years ago as nearing 40 they simply polished teeth to make room to straighten teeth. You should also eat soft foods and avoid chewing near the extraction site while you heal. First up on a patient's list of aspects to consider before electing for tooth extraction are the following benefits: Smile improvement This is a great procedure to quickly add bone at a low cost that will last for a long time since it is all your own! Hello. The second dentist recommended I do a root canal and crown or extraction but I am absolutely terrified to do any dental work without being put to sleep. Plus he is a bit young.. Once you lose one tooth than another it can be a domino effect. Root canals alone can cost anywhere between $700-$1,500. Can I have an extraction without an implant considering its location. Im 32, I have really bad teeth, I have root canals on 37, 36 root & crown, 47, 26, 11. Refer me for trigeminal neuralgia 37 ) the extraction site while you heal i not! Moderate ( but noticable ) bad taste in my practice this is when a tooth has a tiny bit the. Tried to save it but no one wanted to do another replacement down the road ) you should a! Said is good for me, or i should get re do the filling my right molars are showing lot... Extracting the lower left last wisdom tooth resulted in swelling and pain a cavity extracted 2 months when... 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